1. Discover your Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Gifts Analysis - Questionnaire - What are your spiritual gifts? Learn more about areas of ministry for which you have an aptitide by answering the Questionnaire. After completing the Questionnaire, you can see your results graphically and immediately.
2. Implement your Spiritual Gifts
- Gift Placement Grid - After completing the Questionnaire, view the Placement Grid to learn the spiritual gifts as identified in the Bible and find out how your gifts may be implemented into various ministry opportunities.
3. Learn about the power of the Holy Spirit
Resources by Jim Kilmer- Empowerment Through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - By Jim Kilmer
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Witnessing - By Jim Kilmer
- More resources by Jim Kilmer
- Why We Need the Holy Spirit - By Ron Clouzet