Answer each question on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most agreeable). When you are finished,
click on the button at the bottom of the page to analyze your results.

Your Name:

Question12345Not Sure
1I find it fulfilling to lend a hand behind the scenes for God.
2I feel that opening my home to visitors and preparing meals for them is a ministry for me.
3One of my first reactions to someone's needs is to pray for them.
4When it comes to meeting people's needs, I am comfortable helping those who are really "down and out.
5People tell me that I am a good communicator.
6I have training in a healing profession.
7It is very important to me that people feel appreciated.
8I love to study God's Word very thoroughly and in depth.
9People often seek me out for practical advice and value my perspective.
10I enjoy directing projects and tasks in God's work.
11I find fulfillment in stepping in and organizing projects.
12I find real satisfaction in helping people grow in their spiritual experience.
13I have a burning desire to share the Gospel.
14I feel as though I have a God-given intuition about things.
15I am very frustrated that I can't give a lot more money to the Lord's work.
16Routine tasks such as setting up tables for church potluck, vacuuming rugs, folding bulletins or cutting felts are enjoyable for me.
17I care deeply that everyone feel welcome at church as part of God's family.
18When I pray I hardly notice the passage of time.
19I feel drawn to help people who suffer from addictions or emotional problems.
20I am able to share biblical information in such a way that others learn.
21I am often able to help people look beyond current difficulties to see how God can provide.
22I would enjoy sending out thank-you cards to people who have given of themselves in some way for the church.
23I have seen people healed as a result of anointing and prayer.
24People say I have an unusually broad and mature perspective on life.
25I am able to motivate and inspire people to get involved.
26I enjoy planning and strategizing how to accomplish certain goals.
27I think of myself as a "people person" and enjoy nurturing others.
28I am able to discover people outside the body of Christ who have an interest in spiritual things.
29I often seem to have a sixth sense about the rightness or wrongness of a certain course of action.
30I feel that God is calling me to sacrifice financially for His cause, regardless of what others may contribute.
31I like providing practical help, working with my hands to get a project done.
32I feel a special burden to help meet the needs of homeless families.
33I have seen God answer my prayers for others, sometimes in rather marked ways.
34I love to keep up with information about nutrition and healthful living
35I am often able to help people understand complex spiritual concepts more easily.
36Difficulties only increase my trust in God, not diminish it.
37I find great satisfaction in encouraging people who are hurting.
38People tell me I have unusual insights into Scripture that they find helpful.
39When individuals or groups are faced with several choices, I can often sense which one is best.
40I am comfortable initiating various ideas and proposals.
41I am comfortable with paperwork and details, as long as I can see how it will get us closer to achieving our goal.
42People open up to me easily about their problem, especially spiritual needs.
43Non-Christians respond positively when I talk to them about spiritual matters.
44I am usually able to look beyond the surface to detect people's hidden feelings.
45I receive special fulfillment from knowing that my funds are helping those in need.
46I intentionally look for opportunities to help people around me in little ways that make life easier for them.
47I feel called by God to minister through hospitality.
48I know God has clearly worked through my prayers to help others.
49I try to be an example as a healthy, happy person.
50I am able to explain to others how the Bible relates to their needs.
51When others feel like giving up, I can still see possibilities with God.
52In church, I actively look around for people who seem to be lonely or discouraged.
53People often come to me with their spiritual questions.
54People say that God has given me unusual wisdom and good judgment.
55I can effectively provide leadership in certain areas of church life.
56I am able to coordinate the efforts and resources of various people to get a job done.
57I find fulfillment in helping people discover their God-given abilities.
58I find special joy in sharing my testimony for Christ with nonbelievers.
59I am able to sense fairly accurately when someone's words don't match what is in their heart.
60I love to give gifts, even if I have to go without myself.
61I enjoy taking care of the little details in the church that others might overlook.
62I desire to help people who go to bed hungry.
63I sense God's presence most deeply through prayer.
64I feel genuine compassion for disadvantaged people that society has cast aside and rejected.
65I have seen people healed through my ministry
66I like to help people become healthy and happy.
67I sense God working through me when my comments and attitude brighten someone else's day.
68I am not at all satisfied with cliché spiritual answers.
69I am able to provide practical guidance so people can make good choices.
70I would rather equip and train others to do a task than do it myself.
71I like to analyze why certain programs are not working and brainstorm how to fix them.
72It is very satisfying for me to help people become effective in some area of Christian service.
73It is relatively easy for me to turn conversations with non-Christians in a spiritual direction.
74I can usually tell when someone has a "hidden agenda."
75I gladly give away what I can of my own possessions to help those in need.
76I like to minister as part of a team or group.
77I like to minister on my own as an individual.
78I like to minister within the church to members.
79I like to minister outside the church to nonmembers.
80I like to be involved in planning and organizing.
81I like to be involved in doing and implementation.
82I like to lead out in a ministry.
83I like to be a follower.
84I like to work primarily with things.
85I like to work mainly with people.
86I like to be self-directed.
87I like to be directed by others.
88I like to minister to adults.
89I like to minister to children.
90I like to be involved on a regular basis.
91I like to be involved occasionally.
92I have unusual confidence in God's ability to meet people's needs.
93I often find myself ministering to people who others seem to ignore.
94I have a special desire to help the underdogs of the world.
95I can maintain an unusual degree of hope even when others around me are terribly discouraged.
96I gain real fulfillment from sharing insights into God's Word.
97I enjoy searching out God's answers to challenging questions.
