1. Introduction
Prophecy Comparison Timelines - Color-coded chart comparing the timelines of the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation.
- Introduction to Prophecy
- Introduction to Prophecy - Interactive Presentation
- Prophecies Fulfilled In Jesus
- Last Day Signs
- Last Day Signs - Interactive Presentation
2. Daniel
Daniel 2
- Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Daniel 2) - Study Guide
- World Empires (Dan. 2) - Interactive Presentation
Daniel 7
- The Four Beasts (Daniel 7) - Study Guide
- The Four Beasts - Interactive Presentation
- 1260 Days
- Court Scene of Daniel 7
- Books of Judgment
- Characteristics of the Little Horn (Dan. 7)
- Papacy Power Curve
Daniel 8-9
- The 2300 Days (Daniel 8) - Study Guide
- The 70 Weeks (Daniel 9) - Study Guide
- 2300 Days - Interactive Presentation
- 70 Weeks - Interactive Presentation
- Sanctuary Symbolism - Interactive Presentation
- The Israelite Feasts - Interactive Presentation
Daniel 10-12
- Michael the Prince (Dan. 10-12) - Study Guide
- Guidelines & Precedents
- Daniel 10 - Study Guide
- Daniel 11:1-39 - Study Guide
- Daniel 11:40-45 - Study Guide
- Daniel 12 - Study Guide
3. Revelation
- Introduction to Revelation
- Prologue (Revelation 1:1 - 1:9) - Study Guide
Revelation 1:10-3
- The 7 Churches (Revelation 1:10 - 3:22) - Study Guide
Revelation 4-8:1
- The 7 Seals (Revelation 4:1 - 8:1) - Study Guide
Revelation 8:2 - 11:19
- The 7 Trumpets (Revelation 8-11 - Study Guide
The 7 Time Periods of Revelation - Comparison Chart
- Judgment and the Sound of the Trumpet - What it means to sound a trumpet and why judgment is linked to a kingdom.
- Fire and Incense
- Trumpet #1
- Trumpet #2
- Trumpet #3
- Trumpet #4
- Trumpet #5
- Trumpet #6
- Trumpet #7
- Mystery of God
- The Little Book (Revelation 10) - Study Guide
- The Bottomless Pit
- Beast from the Bottomless Pit (Revelation 11) - Study Guide
- Freemasonry and the French Revolution
- Seal of God
Revelation 12
- The Red Dragon (Revelation 12) - Study Guide
- The Red Dragon - Interactive Presentation
- The Remnant (Rev. 12:17)
- Testing the Prophets (Biblical qualifications for a prophet)
Revelation 13-14
- Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13) - Study Guide
- Mark of the Beast - Interactive Presentation
- Seal of God (Revelation 14) - Study Guide
- Three Angels' Messages (Rev. 14:6-12, 18:1-4) - Study Guide
- Three Angels' Messages - Interactive Presentation
- Pre-Advent Judgment Parallels
Revelation 15-19
- Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17) - Study Guide
- Understanding the Roman Realm in Bible Prophecy
- Linking the 7 Trumpets to the 7 Heads of Revelation - This study puts forth an interpretation of these two prophecies that renders them inseparably linked, placing them on parallel timelines, in which each helps to interpret the other.
- Guidelines for Linking - The step-by-step thought process behind linking the 7 Trumpets and 7 Heads, and the resulting guidelines.
- Head #1
- Head #2
- Head #3
- Head #4
- Head #5
- Head #6
- Head #7
- Head #8
- 7 Last Plagues
- The Final Realm - The final transition of power to the everlasting realm at Jesus' second coming
Revelation 20-22
- Millennium (Rev. 20:1 - 20:15) - Study Guide
- New Earth (Rev. 21:1 to 22:21) - Study Guide
- Epilogue (Rev. 22:6 to 22:21) - Study Guide